Our Mission

After seeing too many preventable tragic incidents occur and being fed up with a lack of will at the federal and local government levels, we decided to take action. Almost every Active Shooter incident could have been, and should have been prevented by applying basic security practices and training that focus on prevention. 

We have assembled a team of security professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience specializing in security for sensitive government facilities and government personnel. We have redirected that expertise to secure vulnerable locations in our own communities. We are dedicated to providing training and implementing security practices that we know will prevent and mitigate future tragedies. Just like you, we want to provide our children, family, loved ones, and neighbors locations of true sanctuary where they are safe and protected.

There have been too many tragedies to continue with the status quo, and too little done in the way of updating security standards for businesses, schools, and places of worship. This is especially true for our public school systems. Even though the Columbine shooting was over 20 years ago, very little has changed in school security standards.

Our children in private and public schools, as well as religious congregations, all deserve to be safe. Time and time again, schools and places of worships have been targeted in the past and we know they’ll be targeted again in the future, and yet little to nothing has been done. Simply “playing the odds” and doing nothing is no longer acceptable.

At this point, not taking a comprehensive security approach or failing to have a professionally developed and validated reaction plan in place is nothing short of gross negligence.