
Archangel Counter Threat Solutions offers a variety of security and training services for both private and public sector organizations and facilities.  After a detailed site assessment and discussion, we customize a menu of services that fit the individual needs and budget of your organization.

Security & Vulnerability Assessments

Regardless if you already have security protocols and an Emergency Reaction Plan in place or are just starting from scratch, our security professionals will provide you a free comprehensive assessment.  We’ll present our findings, help you identify areas that need improvement and find the security solutions that best fit your organization’s needs and budget.

Physical Security Consulting

After an on site assessment and determining the goals and needs of a client we make recommendations of the latest security infrastructure, devices, and technologies. We’ll find a customized solution that provides the best security for your facility and assets.

Mitigation & Response

We will conduct a comprehensive assessment and analyze your current physical security, daily operations, security awareness and protocols. Focusing on prevention we provide recommendations that will Deter, Deny, Mitigate, Detect Active Threats and create a customized response plan that is practical and effective.

Trauma Medical Training & Consulting

During Active Threat Incidents, most fatalities occur from wounds that if treated properly, loss of life would be prevented. 

We provide nationally accredited medical response training. We can also provide medical/trauma kits that are customized based on the needs of the  facility the number and type (children/adults) of inhabitants.

Security Procedures Development

We’ll work with you to identify the “best practices” that contribute to your organization’s security while maintaining or even improving your daily operations and productivity.

Security Team Training

Providing security, especially armed security to any facility that is a High Occupancy Environment like a place of worship, a school, or an office requires very specialized training.  The average Law Enforcement Officer does not have the training, experience, or subject matter expertise in training Counter Threat security teams or developing physical security and emergency reaction protocols.

We provide Counter Threat response training that is customized to the facility, inhabitants, and security team. The specialized training we provide in Security Awareness, Non-Lethal Response, Firearms,  Communications, Security Team Organization, and Standardized Protocols is designed to ensure the safety of personnel while greatly reducing legal and physical liabilities.

Full Scale Exercise & Implementation Planning and Assessment

No security or Emergency Response plan is proven effective until a full scale exercise is conducted. We collaborate with your local Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, then with the use of training aids and through detailed planning we conduct a full scale exercise on your site. We then lead an assessment and review of the events and determine areas of improvement for all parties involved.  These training events are an opportunity for your organization to contribute to the readiness of your local emergency services. They appreciate being included in this type of exercise as they rarely get large scale training opportunities. The better they are at their jobs, the safer everyone in the community is. The increased preparedness and training value that results for the host organization, local Law Enforcement and First Responders cannot be overstated.


Public Schools – Private Schools – Places of Worship – Child Care Centers – Colleges & Universities – Assisted Living Facilities – Businesses  – Residential Buildings – Hotels Stadiums – Arenas – Medical Facilities – Special Events

Our staff is prepared to handle any security related matter, so if you don’t fall into one of these categories, contact us and we will find a solution that fits your particular needs.